By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 4 cats
Director: Jonathan Glazer
Starring: Christian Friedel | Freya Kreutzkam | Max Beck | Ralph Herforth | Sandra Hüller

Year: 2023
Running time: 105
Chris says: “Filmmaker Jonathan Glazer’s first feature since 2013’s UNDER THE SKIN is just as carefully sculpted and uncompromising; however, instead of ScarJo playing an alien, you have Sandra Huller as a World War II Nazi hausfrau living (with her military husband and their brood) in Auschwitz literally next door to a concentration camp. No atrocities are shown but their background presence seems to permeate every scene with dread–the horror of being adjacent to genocide and living with it. Formally impressive (that sound design!) and a genuinely fresh approach to the subject (conveying that yes, we do need yet another holocaust film), it’s also extremely difficult to watch. What’s tangentially acknowledged and left up to the imagination becomes just as disturbing as if one were to face it head on. Like 12 YEARS A SLAVE, a very good film I never want to see again. 4 cats”