By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 3.5 cats
Director: David Oyelowo
Starring: Alfred Molina | Maria Bello | Rosario Dawson

Country: united_states
Year: 2021
Running time: 92
Chris says: “Solid directorial debut for actor David Oyelowo, who also appears as the father of Gunner, a young aspiring graphic novelist. Along with Gunner’s mom (Rosario Dawson), they’ve just moved to a small town Oregon, where the title figure looms over as a legend, a creature who is said to give the gift of eternal life. What follows is a family-friendly adventure, well-paced and beautifully shot, but also thoughtfully told, earning both its thrills and tears. If I had kids, I’d much rather show them this Oprah-produced film than another mega-budgeted Disney remake. 3.5 cats
“TIFF 2020 Reviews”