By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 4 cats
Director: Jean-Pierre | Luc Dardenne
Starring: Adele Haenel | Fabrizione Rongione | Jérémie Renier | Marc Zinga | Olivier Bonnaud | Olivier Gourmet

Original language title: La fille inconnue
Country: belgium, france
Year: 2017
Running time: 113
Thom says: “This Dardenne project was nominated for a Buried Treasure Award for Chlotrudis and I approached this with my usual cautiously optimistic view. These Belgian brothers have been highly lauded throughout their careers with numerous international world-class festival awards, often for Best-In-Show. We’ve all seen THE SILENCE OF LORNA, THE KID WITH A BIKE, THE SON, L’ENFANT, LA PROMESSE, ROSETTA, & TWO DAYS, ONE NIGHT so I was initially surprised to learn this was “Buried”. This film is about a country doctor who at the end of a long day in the emergency clinic she runs, turns away a late visitor by not buzzing her into the facility. The next day she is discovered dead down by the local docks. She feels somewhat guilty and she pursues an investigation into the identity of the mysterious girl when no one comes forward to claim her. Her interference is certainly not welcomed by the local authorities but she is persistent until she finally solves the case. All of the Dardenne films are sincere, straightforward, decent, moralistic tales filled with troubled people, usually out-of-place in modern Belgium. And I’ve liked every single one of their films, but never have they received my top rating. They do remind me somewhat of Robert Bresson but not as refined. 4 cats“