By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Director: Stéphane Brizé
Starring: Christophe Rossignon | Karine De Mirbeck | Matthieu Schaller | Noël Mairot | Vincent Lindon | Xavier Mathieu | Yves Ory

Original language title: La loi du marché
Country: france
Year: 2016
Running time: 91
Michael says: “I think it’s safe to say that the majority of Chlotrudis members first noticed Vincent Lindon in Claire Denis’ compelling film, FRIDAY NIGHT, which picked up a Trudy for Best Cinematography. Two years later, Vincent picked up his own Trudy in the Best Actor category for his outstanding portrayal in the surreal identiyy thriller, LA MOUSTACHE. In that film the dynamic actor portrays a man who is either losing his grip on reality, or being gaslit by his family and friends. What a remarkable turn in his latest film, the somber and exquisite THE MEASURE OF A MAN. Vincent plays Thierry, a good man, struggling with unemployment, and the challenge of finding a job. Employment agencies waste his time sending him to jobs he’s not qualified for, banks reject him because he has no steady income, day after day he faces humiliation as he is looked at at somehow less than he is because of his lack of a job. His morals are put to the test when he finally does find work and must do things he finds distasteful. Lindon quietly shows us the pride and pain of this ordinary man, painting a portrait of a struggle faced by so many people around the world and infusing it with dignity and heartbreak.”