By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 4 cats
Director: Christopher Morris
Starring: Andrel McPherson | Anna Kendrick | Marchánt Davis | Miles Robbins

Country: united_kingdom, united_states
Year: 2019
Running time: 87
Michael says: “A harmless, and somewhat delusional preacher who has created a farm to help support the project in Miami ends up involved with a bizarre plot by the FBI to create a terrorist situation in order to stop it. Chris Morris’ sobering comedy is certainly a satire, but it does pack an emotional wallop to add to the outrageous injustices it creates. It’s quirky and off eat, but it’s got real heart.Marchánt Davis is strong as Moses, the clueless and naive preacher who thinks he has the power to destroy the cranes that are the symbols of gentrification in Miami, and that God speak to him through his horse. Danielle Brooks is terrific as his wife, long-suffering, but good-hearted, who truly loves her husband. Nice support from Anna Kendrick and Dennis O’Hare as FBI agent who can barely get out of their own ways.