By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 4 cats
Director: Brady Corbet
Starring: Adrien Brody | Felicity Jones | Guy Pearce | Joe Alwyn | Raffey Cassidy

Year: 2024
Running time: 215
Brett says: “The phrase ‘where do we begin?’ is sometimes an overused line to set up what all is too often an underwhelming account for such a grandiose introduction, but in reflecting on the film THE BRUTALIST, ‘where do we begin’ indeed? As most have gotten wind about now, the film is a monumental directorial effort by Brady Corbet. For those familiar with Corbet’s work, this is another film in which the main character has opportunity for greatness waiting in the wings, but the attainment of said greatness rides the same magic carpet as a series of great agonies. As such, the artistic genius Laslow Toth, played by Adrien Brody, establishes what would be a rather Homeric game of ‘Would You Rather?’ if the character ever had a chance to play it.
“At over 3 ½ hours of seat time, THE BRUTALIST is ambitious to say the least. Toth is an architect trained in Europe, but when the first shadows of World War II start taking form, he eventually manages to relocate to the United States where nationalism doesn’t necessarily care about the plight of the visiting teams. (Pardon me while I sigh and dream for a moment to avoid pontificating about the great American authors of the mid-to-late 1800s and early 1900s who would probably say, ‘Ok, you have my attention’ at the premise.) Toth has made this journey while saddled with the fear of the unknown for family that remains in Europe, and the cultural adjustments prove difficult enough as is. What unfolds is a story of a man equipped with an almost divine ability forged in a land that must be forgotten and who is trying to rebuild—pun intended—a new story with an audience that doesn’t necessarily speak the same language, figuratively just as much as literally.
“As one might suppose with any film categorized as epic, there are plenty of unfolding storylines that build this initial tension, all of which work much better when viewed with a fresh, uninfluenced set of eyes protected from spoilers. What can be said is that the performances match the scope of the film. The characterizations and portrayals feel larger than life in many ways, like the reach of the film’s premise itself. Guy Pearce as Harrison Lee Van Buren (see! see the character name! I told you this film doesn’t hold back on the ‘reach’) is one such performance that elevates the film as a whole. And, Adrien Brody is, well, Adrien Brody once again, so that’s enough of a warning to let an audience know to hold tightly.
“Although it’s possible to cite a few books, there are so few films on the tip of one’s tongue that are an epic testament to architecture. Films like THE MASTER are an apt comparison or possible influence of the feel of this film, but scrap the photography; we’re building something here. This is an art form that doesn’t always get its due in cinema among the other art forms. Thankfully, the film does not try to over-educate the audience as it goes and allows more of an immersion into the field along with Toth’s development as a character.
“While it is certainly captivating and has its moments, there are a few quips one might find along the way. Part of the elevated nature of the film seems tarnished by a few plot decisions that could have had a similar effect if other creative choices would have been made in their stead. In particular, what eventually feels like saturation of sex and drugs sometimes seems as if Corbet is trying to fit in with the what he thinks a modern audience wants or requires to use as fuel for the fire, but so much of the film leans in a direction where some of those depictions are not really needed, or at the very least not in the way they play out. And perhaps ‘saturation’ is too strong a word, but when locked in on what’s going on, the contrast with a few of these types of scenes sometimes comes across as a head-scratcher.
“The biggest takeaway that should be taken from any review of THE BRUTALIST is (clap with me please) SEE. THIS. IN. A. MOVIE. THEATER. AS. GOD. INTENDED. Mileage may vary on what beats hit and which ones do not, but I feel it’s fair to say that if you make the conscious decision to watch this film at some point in your life, you’ll be much more pleased you did it the right way. It’s just that kind of movie. 4 CATS OUT OF 5“