Starring: | | | |


Country: brazil, france, germany, portugal

Year: 2013

Running time: 118


Chris says: “From Portugal, this little, whimsical black-and-white film should carry an instant appeal for anyone bored by the more commercial axis of indie crossover cinema simply because it’s so quirky and weird—almost like a more feminine Jim Jarmusch mixed in with a little David Lynch (at his gentlest). Inspired by F.W. Murnau’s 1931 film of the same title (but only seemingly tangentially related to it), the first half is set in modern-day Lisbon, while the second half unfolds in 1960s Africa and serves as a flashback referencing two characters from the first half. The second half takes the prize over the first: it’s more involving, less static and a better fit for the director’s tendency to favor artful enhancements over philosophical meaning. That’s not to say the first part’s worthless as it features a lovely, grounding performance from Teresa Madruga who serves as an audience surrogate for the extended Africa flashback… but I’d rather watch the flashback again than her section of the film. 3.5





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