By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 4.25 cats
Director: Kelly Reichardt
Starring: André 3000 | Hong Chau | Lauren Lakis | Michelle Williams | Todd-o-Phonic Todd

Year: 2023
Running time: 107
Diane says: “Kelly Reichardt’s latest, starring Michelle Williams as a closed-up ceramic artist, satirizes the art school scene perfectly, from funky clothing and cheese-heavy gallery openings to parent-child competition and every kind of crafts class. (I saw it with my ceramicist friend, so I know it’s true.) SHOWING UP is just as slow as Reichardt’s other films, causing 6 of the 9 audience members to make an exit well before the movie was over. That only added to the laughs. A great cast, and a sympathetic look at the artist’s struggle. 4 cats.”
Chris says: “Filmmaker Kelly Reichardt’s (FIRST COW) latest is a reminder as to why I admire films where, while viewing them, my perception slowly, organically shifts from ‘Why am I watching this?’ to ‘I never want it to end’. I’m also drawn to those that delve into the notion that it’s always best to go with the flow. Naturally, Reichardt’s longtime collaborator Michelle Williams is perfectly cast in the lead, but don’t forget Hong Chau once again killing it in a supporting role or the evocative sound design. In the month since I watched this, I’m increasingly leaning towards giving it 5 cats.”
Michael says: “Hear Hear! I loved this film. I thought it was hilarious, which might not be the word some folks would use for it!”
Amanda says: “Sorry, Chris and Michael. I never moved past the ‘why am I watching this’ stage…”
Peg says: “Ha ha, same, and I normally am a huge fan of Kelly R’s work. I found this annoyingly beige and insular and navel-gazey, somehow. I did like John Magaro’s performance though.”
Beth says: “I loved it too, thought it was a great move into her version of ‘light comedy’ which is to say, for Outside Kelly’s World would look more like ‘not as heavy not as sad drama’ film!”
Brett says: “Chris’s last line hits the mark with me. It’s a 4-cat film that’s 5 stars in my heart. An acquaintance of mine made a remark that (paraphrased) it’s a grumpy old man movie in the form of an introverted 30-/40-something woman that some of us didn’t know we needed. I wasn’t clever enough to think of it first, but I feel like it adds something here in the discussion chain.”
Julie says: “I’ve seen it and perhaps due to owning pieces similar to what she created (fantastic work by Cynthia Lahti) as well as having thrown and created hand made pieces and know the pain of things not coming out quite as planned when fired, I had more patience when things might have been too slow moving for some.
“I didn’t read any reviews so was very far along before realizing that was Michelle Williams which I had read long ago but forgot about.
“I liked it. It was funny, sad, touching. I was so angry at Jo through most of it which I think was the director’s intent yeah. Good ensemble cast.
“It started off so slow and then was like a pressure cooker as time went on. And then …..
“And what was up with those socks ? 4 cats”