Starring: | |


Country: united_states

Year: 2005

Running time: 104


Chris says: “Why, why, why do I get all hyped up about adaptations of my favorite books, since they rarely turn out well? Steve Martin’s novella surprised me, not only by being so unexpectedly bittersweet, but also in the way it painted an honest portrait of an arty, intelligent girl in a harsh, post-collegiate environment. You get a fleeting sense of that here, thanks mostly to a radiant, thoughtful Claire Danes (finally living up to the promise of MY SO-CALLED LIFE from a decade ago). But the score’s embarrasingly shlocky, the direction heavy-handed, the pacing awkward, and Martin’s just too close to the material to pull off
his integral role. Docked a few extra notches for totally eschewing the novella’s devastatingly poignant final sentence. 2 cats





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