By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 4 cats | 4.125 cats
Director: Josephine Decker
Starring: Elisabeth Moss | Logan Lerman | Michael Stuhlbarg | Odessa Young

Country: united_states
Year: 2020
Running time: 107
Chris says: “The notion of a star-studded film about mid-20th Century gothic author Shirley Jackson would seem either a promising or dicey proposition; recruiting director Josepine Decker (MADELINE’S MADELINE), of all people, muddies it further. Fortunately, the result, adapted from a novel about Jackson, is defiantly not your standard biopic fare. Set around 1950, it’s more an imagining of events that would inspire Jackson’s second novel, Hangsaman. It revolves around Rose and Fred, a young married couple who take up residence with Jackson (Elisabeth Moss) and her professor husband Stanley (Michael Stuhlbarg) at their home in Bennington, Vermont.
Michael says: “I’m not sure what kept me from watching SHIRLEY for so long. I meant to, especially since I really enjoyed director Josephine Decker’s first film, the Chlotrudis multi-nominee, MADELINE’S MADELINE. SHIRLEY is an adaptation by Sarah Gubbins of Susan Scarf Merell’s novel about writer Shirley Jackson (author of such gothic horror tale as The Haunting of Hill House and the short story, The Lottery. As the film started, the thought did cross my mind, why were women writers in the day all a bit disturbed. I think the answer is because they were all held down and castigated by society, particularly the patriarchy around them that couldn’t take the thought of a brilliant woman in their midst. That was certainly partly the case as presented here, with her husband part tormentor, part partner-in-crime, in a story that comes across as part Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? and part Shlrley Jackson gothic psycho-drama. As Shirley succumbs to insecurity and doubt, consuming lots of scotch and having trouble getting out of bed, in addition to suffering form agoraphobia, as she embarks on her second novel, Hangsman, husband Stanely convinces a new young, fresh-faced professor who is TA’ing for him, and his equally fresh-faced wife, Rose to say with them providing emotional and housekeeping support to Shirley and her duties. Rose is the true central character in the film in many ways, as her admiration of Shirley moves to disgust, then a codependent close friendship as Shirley manipulates, yet relies on her to help her get through the drama of writing a novel that inspires yet eludes her.