By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 2 cats
Director: Guy Ritchie
Starring: Eddie Marsan | Jude Law | Mark Strong | Rachel McAdams | Robert Downey Jr | Robert Maillet

Country: germany, united_states
Year: 2010
Running time: 128
Thom says: “Hmmm… Admittedly, I have no respect at all for fake macho director Ritchie, and while this film is fitfully entertaining, finally let’s attack it for esthetic reasons. This was adapted from a comic book of all mediums but Sir Arthur Conan Doyle must be turning in his grave. Downey, Jr. doesn’t even come close to persuading me he’s the fabled detective. And Jude Law’s Watson is way off tempo as well. Most of the film is one extravagant action scene after another that more approximates James Bond. Rachel McAdams (forever beautiful) is only there as a female presence and she’s clueless as to what to do, not surprising when you know that Ritchie can’t direct actresses. There certainly is a time & a place for great action films but mauling Holmes is a bad idea, he should be cerebral & certainly not up to ‘pranks.’ Eddie Marsan makes for a terrific Inspector Lastrade but otherwise I recommend looking for something else. 2 cats”