Starring: | |

Schultze Gets the Blues

Country: germany

Year: 2005

Running time: 114


Johanna says: “Am I the only one who has seen this movie?? I haven’t seen any mention of it in any of the recent discussions.
I’m not a great review writer, but this film is really worthwhile. Although it may not be for everyone. It is quite slow moving and takes a while for anything much to happen. For a while I was wondering what I was doing in the theater watching so many small daily events that didn’t seem to have a whole lot of significance. But then I slowly forgot about my impatience and enjoyed observing what almost seemed like a documentary. When Schutze’s life-changing event happens, you may not even recognize it for what it is. Schutze never says too much, but I was surprised at how fond of him I grew. And I really admired him for how he managed to make enormous life changes without appearing to make a big deal out if it. He was just following his heart. Or at least that is the way I chose to see it. What do YOU think?

It is still playing at the Harvard Square in Cambridge. Please, someone, go see it! 4 cats






Schultze Gets the Blues

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