By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 2.5 cats
Director: Ferzan Ozpetek
Starring: Andrea Di Stefano | Barbora Bobulova | Lisa Gastoni

Original language title: Cuore Sacro
Country: italy
Year: 2006
Running time: 120
Bruce says: “**SPOILERS**
“In my opinion Ferzen Ozpetek’s films have improved with every film he has made beginning with STEAM , followed up by HIS SECRET LIFE and
FACING WINDOWS. I unhappily report that SACRED HEART (CUORE SACRO in Italian) has broken that trend and is, in fact, Ozpetek’s least satisfying film. What happened?
“Triggered by two friends who commit a joint suicide, Irene (Barbora Bobulova) examines her privileged, glamorous and somewhat vacuous life. She is the head of a family owned real estate conglomerate. We first see her at an awards ceremony where she is being honored for her vision and cunning. Her corporation has decided to carve up her family home into condos. As she pays a visit to the family villa, a young street waif named Benny (Camille Dugay Comencini) steals her wallet. Irene is infatuated by Benny and they develop a strange friendship. Benny takes Irene to meet Giancarlo (Andrea Di Stefano) a homeless man for whom she finds food by using her street smarts.
“When a second disaster strikes, Irene – with the help of Father Carras (Massimo Poggio) – converts her family home into a soup kitchen for the poor and homeless. She deserts corporate life; her family is sure she is insane. Just as the viewer decides to side with Irene against her family, Irene goes off the deep end and is institutionalized. To her psychiatrist Irene says ‘I wanted to give things away, I exaggerated.’ SACRED HEART is overly long, way too long for an essay on exaggeration.
“SACRED HEART has lots of plot twists and considerable suspense which saves it from total failure. Lisa Gastoni who plays Irene’s greedy, matriarchal aunt makes a stunning villain. Barbora Bobulova is convincing as Irene only part of the time which, in addition to the flimsy story line, is a serious flaw. 2.5 cats
“SACRED HEART was shown as part of the OPEN ROADS: NEW ITALIAN CINEMA festival at Lincoln Center.”