By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 5 cats
Director: Lenny Abrahamson
Starring: Brie Larson | Jacob Tremblay | Joan Allen | Rom McCanus | Sean Bridgers | Wendy Crewson | William H. Macy

Country: canada, ireland
Year: 2015
Running time: 118
Diane says: “Hey, fans of the book–you won’t be disappointed. I’ll be giving ROOM noms for Best Adapted Screenplay (happily, by the book’s author and Best Actress. This movie was as emotionally intense as any I’ve seen. As THE ROAD is to fatherhood, so ROOM is to motherhood. Cinematography and editing successfully immerse us in the strange circumstances of this story. The less said about that the better! 5 cats”
Brett says: “The atmosphere of a world folded in on itself is perhaps most conducive to the voice of a narrator within the pages of a novel. What screenwriter Emma Donaghue is able to do, however, is transform the prose world of her novel and the atmosphere of seclusion and disillusion through the dialogue of two characters whose only existence are enclosed in the four walls of ROOM. Combine the thematic exchanges between mother and son with the confined limitations landscaped in the pages of Donaghue’s adaptation, and tricky prose reconstruction suddenly becomes an ethereal two-person society all on its own in the form of a motion picture. Donaghue allows characters to develop and explore beyond a 10-by-10 foot prison, yet still cleverly tethers each character to the remnants of the room in question, no matter how far any of them attempt to flee it.”