By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Director: Sam Mendes
Starring: Christopher Fitzgerald | Jonathan Roumie | Kate Winslet | Leonardo DiCaprio | Marin Ireland | Neal Bledsoe

Country: united_kingdom, united_states
Year: 2008
Running time: 119
Peg says: “For a relatively young actor, Michael Shannon has, at 35, a long and respectable resume. But amid his many small roles in television and film, his most recent turn as John Givings, the emotionally troubled neighbor of the Wheelers, leaves an indelible mark on viewers. Poorly socialized and depressed, John has been subjected to numerous electroshock treatments. He says what he thinks, sees what everyone is hiding, and knows he will never be ‘normal’ or ‘happy.’ In other words, John is the flesh and blood expression of every other character’s inner rage and pain. Shannon’s performance is unsettling, intense and painful to watch.”