By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Director: Kevin Smith
Starring: John Goodman | Kyle Gallner | Melissa Leo | Michael Angarano | Michael Parks | Nicholas Braun | Stephen Root

Country: united_states
Year: 2011
Running time: 88
TC says: “Call me a flatterer, but Melissa Leo seems way way WAY too young to play the daughter of Michael Parks. But then again, it’s the kind of challenge that brings the best out of all her performances. As a devout member of a family church specializing in executing gays and horny teenagers, Leo, as always, is spot on with her character, able to play both slutty to lure people in, and pious when it’s time for the sacrifices that she and her family make. Throw in the fact that she’s more than a little crazy (at least I thought so) and as always, Leo makes every part of her character totally real. And that’s the best compliment you can give an actress. She’s simply one of the best at her craft.”