By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 3.5 cats
Director: Michael Walker
Starring: Annie Parisse | Cheyenne Jackson | Edward Herrmann | Eric Mabius | Josh Pais | Parker Posey | Remy Auberjonais

Country: united_states
Year: 2012
Running time: 92
Chris says: “In the ‘90s, Parker Posey earned the title ‘Queen of the Indies’ simply for appearing in so many films; often, she was the sole reason for seeing one. If Michael Walker’s office comedy feels a little like a throwback to low-budget indies of a bygone era, chalk it up to Posey whose go-for-broke performance as driven, deranged corporate boss Susan Felders gives the whole project a reason for being. While you could imagine any number of actresses in this sort of role, arguably few would play it with such physical, gleeful abandon and total commitment as her.
“Felders is brought in as the new manager for a supermarket chain’s marketing department, much to the dismay of her employee Pete Cozy (Eric Mabius), whose heart lies not in his current profession but in a past working for a record label (which wasn’t enough to support his young family). When she first arrives in the office, giddy as a cheerleader but tough as a football coach, no one knows what to make of her, and that doesn’t change much with time. She’s prone to displaying wild mood swings, playing manipulative mind games and on occasion, wearing hilariously inappropriate attire. She immediately takes special interest in Pete by means of a promotion that naturally comes with strings attached. When she gives her staff a lofty performance goal, her spirit and work ethic encourages them, just as her threats and tantrums probably scare the shit out of them.
“At its best, the film is more than an amusing character study. The affable Mabius heads a solid supporting cast of lesser-known actors plus a few ringers such as Cheyenne Jackson as Felder’s equally unhinged ex. The film also depicts an office environment not just as a place to be endured but also as a source of inspiration that comes from teamwork. Unfortunately, it goes off the rails a bit in the last act by way of an implausible twist that makes Felders into more of a villain than the character deserves. Just like a typical ‘90s indie, PRICE CHECK can’t quite sustain its quirky narrative all the way through, but in a good way, it’s still like nothing you’ll see at the multiplex. 3.5 cats
“(This film screened at the 2012 Provincetown International Film Festival)”