Starring: | |

Pauline & Paulette

Country: belgium, france, netherlands

Year: 2002

Running time: 105


Michael says: “Pauline is a developmentally disabled woman in her mid to late sixties. She lives with her sister Martha, is fixated with her more glamorous sister Paulette, and has forgotten her youngest sister Cecile, who has moved away from the
hometown to live in Brussels. When Martha dies, she stipulates in her will that her inheritance will be split evenly between the three sisters provided one of the remaining sisters cares for Pauline.

“Neither Cecile nor Paulette feel capable of caring for Pauline, but reluctantly, give it a try. Paulette, busy with her lingerie shop and career as an amateur diva in her local operetta group, tries first, but hasn’t the patience. When it falls upon Cecile, her French boyfriend Albert makes things difficult with his reluctance to change his life in any way to take the responsibility. Is an institution, and the loss of the inheritance (which will default to Pauline should neither sister follow through) their only solution?

“Director Lieven Debrauwer tells the story in a very straight-forward manner, yet fills the visuals with so much subtext and imagery it is rather astounding. The fields of flowers that Pauline envisions watering, the decor of Paulette’s comfortable home, the dreary Belgian seacoast that Paulette longs for… all hold meaning for the characters.

“The acting is top notch, with Dora van der Groen handling the difficult, simple-minded pauline. Ann Petersen as Paulette and Rosemarie Bergmans as Cecile ring true as the beleaguered sisters.

“This is a wonderfully satisfying film that avoids some of the more prevalent cliches that usually abound in films about such subjects. If you can catch it, I would recommend it”. 3 1/2 cats


Ellen says: “I loved this charming little film. Like Michael, I think this may have been my first film in Flemish as well! The visuals were quite stunning, especially Paulette’s home and store. For me, the story was really about relationships and love and recognizing who the important people are in your life. Of course, in this film, it’s the retarded sister who knows this all along and it’s the others who have to learn it. Definitely no heavy-handed storyline or preachiness, just a beautiful little story. I highly recommend it.” 4 cats


Robin says: “First time helmer Lieven Debrauwer takes this simple story about a simple person and tells it – simply. There is not a great deal of action or activity taking place in this mild mannered little movie that depicts an aging Belgian family coming to grips with caring for a retarded sister. Pauline is capable of taking care of some basic things in life, like watering flowers and running errands to the local butcher shop, but her abilities pretty much stop there. When her caretaker sister Martha ups and dies, the onus of Pauline’s care falls upon Paulette and Cecile.” 3 cats

For Robin’s complete review: “




Pauline en Paulette

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