By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 4 cats
Director: Hany Abu-Assad
Starring: Ali Suliman | Ashraf Barhom | Hiam Abbass | Kais Nashef | Lubna Azabal

Country: france, germany, israel, netherlands
Year: 2005
Running time: 90
Bruce says: “This simple story is about two Palestinian childhood friends who decide to become suicide bombers. The story may be simple but the issues are not. For over thirty years terrorism has been a major issue in Israel. Israel is often depicted as being militaristic; the Palestinians are quickly labeled as terrorists. Both sides, in fact, have thousands upon thousands who advocate peace. PARADISE NOW gives us a glimpse of how these groups play against each other but it also reveals that each side has a third dimension, the collaborator. Suicide bombers could not get through the barriers were it not for an Israeli underworld that enables them. Israel pays informers in Palestinian villages to disclose names of those who are suspected of siding with terrorist groups; those on ‘the list’ are hunted down and executed.
“Since the Likud party gained power in 1977, the West Bank has been gradually settled by Israelis who have removed the Palestinians, bulldozed their houses, confiscated their properties As the Palestinians have retreated to smaller territories they have been prohibited from leaving. Essentially they are imprisoned.
“Khaled (Ali Suliman) and Said (Kais Nashef), two young auto mechanics, have been recruited by a local terrorist cell to sneak into Tel Aviv and set off bombs concealed under their suits. When their initial attempt to enter Israel is aborted, they lose one another. Much of the drama concerns what happens as each struggles with conscience and desire, not to mention that at any given moment they could accidentally trigger the bombs tied around their waists.
“Just before their mission begins Said meets Suha (Lubna Azabal), a woman with whom he could easily fall in love. They share secrets about their complicated family histories. Said explains that he has only been allowed into Israel once in his life. When he was six he needed surgery that could only be done in Israel; the balance of his life has been spent in confinement to the small area of the West Bank where he is free to wander. He feels like a caged animal. Suha wonders if Said is not confusing sacrifice with revenge. Will either Khaled or Said really be a hero in God’s eyes?
“Despite the previews which make PARADISE NOW seem like a top-notch thriller, it is nothing of the sort. It is suspenseful. The acting is low key which keeps the film centered albeit predictably bleak. Director Hany Abu-Assad deserves much of the credit for bringing important issues to the screen in such an intelligent manner. Hiam Abbass (SATIN ROUGE, THE SYRIAN BRIDE, FREE ZONE, and MUNICH) is rapidly becoming a favorite actress of mine. Ashraf Barhom who plays the cell coordinator was excellent in THE SYRIAN BRIDE. 4 cats”