By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 1.25 cats
Director: Mark Romanek
Starring: Connie Nielsen | Eriq LaSalle | Michael Vartan | Robin Williams

Country: united_states
Year: 2002
Running time: 95
Nathaniel T. says: “Bad. A mannered performance by Robin Williams is the centerpiece of a hackneyed script and uninteresting direction. On the plus side, the cinematography and art direction were just dandy.” 1/2 cat
Robin says: “Robin Williams gives a mannered and studied performance as lonely, deluded Sy Parrish. The normally comedic actor has had a string of dramatic roles with DEATH TO SMOOCHIE, where he was the only good thing in that film, INSOMNIA and, now, in ONE HOUR PHOTO. In this latest, Williams plays it close to the chest, possibly too close, as the expressionless Sy,
a quiet, middle-aged man without a wife or family who obsesses over his favorite customers, the Yorkins.
“Sy seems innocent enough when Nina Yorkin (Connie Nielsen) and Jake (Dylan Smith) drop off their latest batch of family photos to be developed. Sy the Photo Guy (as Jake has dubbed him) is friendly, conversational and, upon the announcement that the Yorkin boy has just had a birthday, generous, giving Jake a disposable camera as a gift. As we follow Parrish home at the end of the workday, we begin to see the chinks in his staid persona when we are presented with a living room wall quite literally covered with family photos of the Yorkins. It’s ‘uh, oh, psycho!’ as Sy’s deluded mind is laid bare for all to see. A downward spiral ensues and we, the viewer, are kept guessing as to the lengths that Sy will go to preserve his ‘family,’ especially after he discovers that Will Yorkin (Michael Vartan) may not be a faithful husband to Nina.
“Music video helmer Mark Romanek makes his break into feature film utilizing his own script to tell Sy’s story. It all begins at the end with Parrish in police custody for crimes or reasons unknown. He tells his story to Detective Van Der Zee (Eriq La Salle) as the scene dissolve to Sy in his photo lab workplace. This tale of delusion takes a conventional path as the Photo Guy slowly but inexorably reveals his troubled mind. Is he a dangerous stalker or simply a harmless delusional? Romanek presents both cases to keep us guessing on the nature of the man, but in the end there are too many distractions and fake outs.” 2 cats
For Robin’s complete review: “”