By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Director: Midi Z
Starring: Ke-Xi Wu | Kimi Hsia | Vivian Sung

Original language title: Juo ren mi mi
Country: malaysia, myanmar, taiwan
Year: 2020
Running time: 102
Bob says: “A #MeToo fever dream. A woman in Taipei who has been working as a livestreaming ‘internet celebrity’ (i.e., a cam girl without the porn aspect) is convinced to audition for her first starring movie role, despite her discomfort with the nudity that will be involved.
“On the set of the film, the director hurls abuse at her, ostensibly to improve her performance. She’s shouted at, choked, slapped, and nearly run over by a car. Oh yeah, and a boat she’s on during the shoot explodes. Everyone seems to be too busy to do anything about that.
“The film jumps around between the shoot and the preparation for the film’s release, the audition process, and a visit to her family in a rural area of Taiwan. Memories are revealed, especially memories of what it took to get this career-making role.”