By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 3.5 cats
Director: Michel Franco
Starring: Dario Yazbek Bernal | Patricia Bernal | Samantha Yazareth Anaya

Original language title: Nuevo Orden
Country: france, mexico
Year: 2021
Running time: 88
Chris says: “After a flurry of brief, tantalizing, brutal images, NEW ORDER begins at a Mexico wedding attended by one-percenters; it’s best to go into the rest not knowing much more except that the first third is near-perfect in how unforgettably it builds up to a catastrophic event. The remainder is riveting and stylistically uncompromising, but also excruciating and occasionally muddled in what it’s trying to say. Fortunately, it says one thing very well: in any conflict, what side you’re on matters less than what power you (presently) retain. 3.5 cats
TIFF 2020 Reviews”