By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Director: Kiah Roache-Turner
Starring: Ben O’Toole | Caroline Ford | David Wenham | Epine Bob Savea | Monica Bellucci | Tess Haubrich

Country: australia
Year: 2019
Running time: 99
Brett says: “NEKROTRONIC is an oddball film trying way too hard to appeal to an oddball audience. Full of gadgets and technological mumbo-jumbo, the premise is a world of internet-fueled demon possession. Playing off of the fear of cell phones and a society supersaturated with technology, the film creates a mythos of demons that have worked to dominate humanity for years, and this culminates in a zany, comedic romp in which one born in the lineage of a host of magical evil beings works to battle his villainous demon goddess mother (playfully portrayed by Monica Bellucci, easily the best part of the film) and restore peace to humanity. It resembles an EVIL DEAD tone that meshes with some DOCTOR WHO-influenced comedy as well. Altogether though, it misses the mark and drags on with the same hyperbolic situations and eye-roll worthy plot shifts/twists. It’s a no-brainer popcorn type of movie that people who might look for something more than the typical Marvel or DC style action/adventures might want to seek out. It’s harmless, but altogether ineffective supernatural frolic into the supernatural.”