By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Director: Michel Gondry
Starring: Agatha Peigney | Ange Dargent | Audrey Tautou | Diane Besnier | Théophile Baquet | Vincent Lamoureux

Original language title: Microbe et Gasoil
Country: france
Year: 2016
Running time: 105
TC says: “This gem is not getting the notice it should here in the states, and it’s a shame, since it’s one of Michel Gondry’s best. Daniel AKA Microbe is small for his age and often mistaken for a girl. He teams up with the new kid in school, Theo aka Gasoline, for a summer road adventure that is hilarious and poignant at the same time. First time actor Ange Dargent and rising young star Theophile Baquet star and they have a chemistry that just doesn’t quit.”
Kim says: “Aren’t the geraniums too much?” NO! They’re not, and neither is the design of this wonderful little comedy for kids of all ages. The wonderful design of the films’ principal vehicle – a tiny house on wheels – spreads through the rest of the film in its look, feel, and offbeat perception. A fantasy spliced into the real countryside, the film looks great, and all of the various location shots are put to great use, and feel like Daniel and Theo…er, Microbe (he hates that) and Gasoline (he hates that too) are right where they should be.”