By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 4.25 cats
Director: Christopher Nolan
Starring: Carrie Ann Moss | Guy Pearce | Joe Pantoliano

Country: united_states
Year: 2001
Running time: 115
Diane says: “Trent is right: there’s plenty of comedy if you’re willing to laugh. I’m not sure I’ve figured out yet all that the writer would have me figure out. My thought now is that MEMENTO used a really good construct, but I wish it had been tied to a better story. ” 4 cats
Howard says: “I saw this two weeks ago, but didn’t want to write anything about it until I had thought about it for a while. While I’m happy the film made me do all that thinking, I still feel like I was cheated; that the film makers, while doing a great job in execution, covered up some huge plot holes with some fancy hand waving. Don’t get me wrong, I really liked the film and thought it was the best mystery/thriller I’d seen in a while. I would love to see the film in chronological order, perhaps a nice feature of the DVD(?). Or perhaps I’m thinking too much about it and over analyzing it. I know the film makers were trying to make us feel as confused and lost as Leonard, but I just feel like I’ve been used by Teddy and he’s filled my head with so much crap that I don’t know what’s going on. I agree with Diane on this one, great film making with a weak story.”
Kevin says: “I just saw MEMENTO and I think it’s the best thing since unleavened bread. I think it is an absolutely riveting exploration of the intricacies of human memory and just the human experience in general. I remember a lot of people from the group saying that they liked the idea better than the execution or felt cheated… I don’t agree with either statement. I did, however, feel very challenged while watching it (which is a feeling i like). I also felt this overwhelming awe of the construction of the plot, direction, performances (particularly Guy Pearce, who i haven’t liked that much prior to this…Carrie-Ann Moss is good too, after a somewhat weak turn in CHOCOLAT). I reccomend this film wholeheartedly.” 4 1/2 cats
Laura says: “I need to verify that Fact 6 wasn’t there when Fact 5 was being tattooed (earlier in the film, later in the action – which doesn’t make sense). If the screenplay played a little fast and loose with its logic, Christopher Nolan did a good job making you believe that you’re the one who’s confused Or maybe I just am.” 4 cats
For Laura’s complete review:”
Michael says: “Just saw MEMENTO for the second time (after seeing it at the Toronto Film Festival) and I was surprised at how well it held up and how well it really worked. I really don’t see the confusion in the plot. That said, one of my viewing companions asked for an explanation of what happened. Basically, I don’t see the plot holes that some people referred to. Two more things, I LOVE the scene where Carrie Ann Moss gets Leonard so angry at her that he hits her. It’s just fabulous. I have really enjoyed Carrie Ann in all three of her different high profile roles these last couple of years (this, THE MATRIX and CHOCOLAT.) I agree with Trent and Diane. The humor is very welcome.” 4 cats
Nathaniel says: “People will bandy about the term ‘original’ when talking about this one, but for whatever reason, leaving the theater, I couldn’t stop thinking about two 2000 films that it reminded me of. Guy Pearce’s central star turn is similar in its minimalism and hints of malevolence to Clive Owens’ much heralded work in last year’s CROUPIER. The second movie that came to mind is TIMECODE, (7th Annual Chlotrudis Awards Best Cast nominee) another experiment in non traditional narrative that was dismissed by many as a gimmick. MEMENTO, too, is a novelty act. Maybe it’s more clever than deep, but you won’t be complaining much. If you’re going to enjoy a meal light on nutritional value, make sure it’s a tasty one.”
For Nathaniel’s complete review: “”
Stephen says: “While we grow more uncertain about the veracity of some of the details as the story develops, we are never really lost as we retrace its steps, a tribute Not only to Nolan’s narrative skills but also to the excellent cinematography and editing he has drawn from Wally Pfister and Dody Dorn. MEMENTO is the kind of movie you will want to see again if you liked it in the first place, to savor the details of how such an intricate plot can be strung together.”
For Stephen’s complete review: “”
Tara says: “It’s been a few weeks and like the movie so wonderfully illustrates, memory tricks and deceives us…even our little systems of repetition and conditioning… I found it challenging to watch, which I always appreciate…intelligence and intrigue in a movie!!! At first I was disappointed as I left the theater not really feeling satisfied.I wanted to know who really killed his wife. But then as I began to reflect and replay the movie in my head, I determined that, for me, it wasn’t about who the killer was, as there is an endless supply of John G.s as we learned…and his system failed him…duped by Carrie Ann Moss (who I am really enjoying each time I see)… and maybe, just maybe we were suppose to believe the wormy little Teddy??? I don’t know, all I know is that was very much a wrong, man, wrong moment, wrong place kind of thing…and Guy Pearce was wonderful. I enjoyed the editing, the cinematography and would like to see it again, just to compare my own notes against what i saw…so hard to remember…”
Trent says: “Curious film abut a man who is investigating his wife’s rape and murder, only he has no short term memory. He carries lots of notes and has tattoos of clues on his body. Sort of a reverse mystery that unfolds precisely and deliberately, until the final 15 minutes when suddenly one of the supporting characters sings the final plot points in one aria. Good acting by Guy Pearce, Carrie-Ann Moss, and Joe Pantanliano. Really liked what some of the script had to say about who we are and what part memory plays in that.
“After my second viewing, last week, I was struck by how funny some parts of the movie was. The levity is appreciated when it comes. The ending didn’t bother me as much this time. Definitely worth a look for all Chlotrudis Folks.” 4 1/2 cat