
Love Free or Die

Country: united_states

Year: 2013

Running time: 82


Bruce says: “LOVE FREE OR DIE begins with scenes at the 2008 Lambeth Conference, a once-a-decade get together for Anglican Bishops, a by-invitation-only event engineered by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams. One of the Bishops noticeably uninvited is Gene Robinson, the openly gay American Bishop from New Hampshire. In spite of the snub Robinson makes the decision to travel to England and make his presence known outside of the Conference. Some local churches welcome him with open arms in spite of his being a pariah in the eyes of the church leaders. When he visits a Notting Hill church sponsored AIDS center, he is appreciated and praised. Meanwhile Rowan Williams urges the church not to consecrate gays or sanction same-sex marriages. The contrast in attitudes is effective and moving.

“Back in the USA, LOVE FREE OR DIE toggles back and forth between scenes from Robinson’s personal life, such as Robinson and his long-time partner – now husband – Mark Andrew at home decorating their Christmas tree, and the 2009 General Convention of the American Episcopal Church in Anaheim, California, where the subjects of allowing openly homosexual clergy and performing same-sex unions is being put to a vote. Director Macky Altson does an admirable job in building suspense as the impassioned speakers argue both sides of the issues before the voting occurs. African-American Bishop Barbara Harris offer the most amusing, down-to-earth assessments of the church while Bob Duncan, former seminary classmate of Robinson, discusses his decision to lead a break away movement from the American Episcopal Church because the scriptures, in his opinion, do not support homosexuality in any church role. It is hardly a spoiler to report that the good guys win both fights.

“Alston clearly values the importance of ‘putting a face on the issue.’ We see Robinson’s wedding and hear what his parents and two daughters have to say about his relationship with Mark. While Robinson is not a particularly dazzling personality, his brave, dogged determination in seeking equality regardless of sexual orientation is a marvel to behold. Robinson’s persistence has allowed others like Bishop Tom Shaw to emerge from the closet. People like Robinson are the trailblazers to whom the rest of society owes a huge debt as they forge ahead, against all odds, to give the rest of us the opportunity for parity, dignity and opportunity. 4 cats



Love Free or Die

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