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Latter Days

Country: united_states

Year: 2004

Running time: 97


Hilary says: “When After School Specials on sexual orientation and religion collide with gay softcore porn.

“I was hoping this would be funny-bad, but instead it was just bad.

“The cats were so bored that they won’t even rate it.”


Bruce says: “The aspect of LATTER DAYS that I liked was the idea of the hidden story. While focusing on the Mormon part of the story, it never occurred to me that the other guy would have an even more shocking story to tell. I thought that was handled very nicely. The film, not necessarily to its credit, captures the vacuous gay LA lifestyle quite accurately. This is a film that has a greater appeal for gay men than for others, I would think.”


Michael says: “Sorry Bruce, here’s a gay man that can’t find the appeal of this crass loser. Hilary, I’m with you on this one. LATTER DAYS was written and directed by C. Hay Box, the screenwriter of SWEET HOME ALABAMA, not that that would tip you off in any way to what you were about to see in his feature directorial debut. This film reinforces practically every negative feeling I have about most American gay films (and also much of Hollywood mainstream formula). Christian is the quintessential, shallow, club kid, having sex with a different person (and just about every person, including the straight boy who mistakenly rings his doorbell when he meant to go to the next apartment) every night. Aaron, or rather, Elder Davis, is the Mormon kid from Idaho who is doing his missionary work in L.A. When Christian’s friends enter a bet that he either will or won’t be able to have sex with one of the four new Mormons who have moved into the apartment complex, the shockingly original plot of LATTER DAYS begins. Naturally, Christian finds love and miraculously, some depth, and Aaron must deal with the fact that he is gay, much to the horror of his friends and family.

“Some of the more obnoxious conventions that rear their ugly heads in LATTER DAYS include the bitchy person-with-AIDS who Christian, in an attempt to shun his shallow ways, delivers meals to for Project Angel Food, and the aging fag-hag who is single and collects the gays and misfits to her circle like a mother hen. Oh yeah, and the chisled abs, lots of hair product, and copious sweat that suddenly appears with sex and dancing (we’re talking serious waterworks, Christian… you’d better get that checked out).

“There were a couple moments of surprising humor, but they’re quickly swept away by the schmaltz and sentimentality. The biggest laugh I got was reading the back of the DVD box three-quarters of the way through the film. ‘Featuring two star-making performances by [Steve] Sandvoss Aaron) and [Wes] Ramsey (Christian)…’ Talk about jaw-dropping disbelief. I can’t believe the copywriters had the balls to write that. Not even the collective presence of Jacqueline Bisset (Lila, the mother hen), Mary Kay Place (the inflexible, pious Mormon Mom), or Amber Benson (struggling waitress/actor friend of Christian’s) could do anything to lift this one out of the mire. 1 jaded cat.”

Scot replies: “Eh, besides the silly monologues and stock characters/scenes, it wasn’t awful. Nice to see the Mormon character portrayed as human. And some sexy scenes … though, unfortunately with hairless, twinkie gym bunnies. 2 cats




Latter Days

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