Starring: | | | |


Country: germany

Year: 2008

Running time: 120


Beth Curran says: “Based on a beloved story/myth/folktale (couldn’t quite get a bead on which) – in 15th century Germany in
the midst of plague and the 30 Years War, Krabat is a homeless boy who heeds a mysterious call to become the 12th apprentice at a strange mill overseen by the Master. He is shown the ropes by the head apprentice (Daniel Brühl), who seems to have some secrets of his own in this dark, odd place which dabbles in sorcery and black arts. Is it Krabat’s destiny to become the inheritor
of the Master’s work, or his destroyer? What can I say, I’m a sucker for folktale and mythology. The casting is excellent, with a
very appealing lead as Krabat, and the scenery and CGI well done. Yes yes yes the story is beyond hokey and nothing in the plot is terribly surprising – that’s kind of the point of folktales – but there is a flair in the particulars here, and okay I confess I love
Daniel Brühl. Let’s face it, I was gonna like the movie the second he and the director sat behind me and I could hear them laughing and whispering in German. I’m an odd sort of fangirl, so sue me. 3 1/2 cats





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