By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Director: Pedro Almodóvar
Starring: Adriana Ugarte | Daniel Grao | Dario Grandinetti | Emma Suárez | Inma Cuesta | Michelle Jenner | Nathalie Poza | Pilar Castrop | Rossy de Palma

Country: spain
Year: 2016
Running time: 99
Beth says: “The challenge for Jose Salcedo, Pedro Almodovar’s longtime editor, was how to harness two strong, distinct voices (Almodovar’s and writer Alice Munro, whose short stories were adapted for the screen) into a cohesive blend, while at the same time fashioning a whodunit feel to a time-jumping character study. Which involves the double casting of the lead character. Without completely losing the thread of the story – or confusing the audience! Those are a lot of balls to keep in the air, and Salcedo pulls off the feat. The film is ultimately a meditation on loss and its effect on a person’s outlook, sense of self and memories, and the editing supports the elusive, mysterious shifts in perspective of these elements, leaning into the changes and coincidences of fate that lead Julieta along in her life.”