
Retour À Ithaque

Original language title: Retour À Ithaque

Country: france

Year: 2014

Running time: 95


Bruce says: “No one can accuse Laurent Cantet of making the same film over and over. Although his first film was not even released in his home country, his auspicious second feature HUMAN RESOURCES (1999) resonated with filmgoers around the world. That was followed by TIME OUT and HEADING SOUTH. THE CLASS, his 2008 film, won the Palme d’Or at Cannes. Each of these films has a protagonist(s) who questions him/herself. RETURN TO ITHACA has five characters who continue that tradition.

“Amadeo has returned to Havana after a self-imposed exile from Cuba. He has been living in Spain.  initially he went there to write. Slowly he realized that he was not comfortable enough in a foreign land to commit his thoughts into words. His friends have gathered on a rooftop to party and reminisce. They do not know that Amadeo is planning to stay.

“Bonded by music and memories, the five friends laugh and dance throughout the night. But all is not perfect. There are grudges to be vented, wounds that the years have not healed. Amadeo left his wife behind and she has died of cancer in his absence. Other friends have gone by the wayside. The dreams the five had in their youth have been tempered by politics and world events. Two have been saddened by children leaving for Miami. All but one have money worries.

“The best thing about RETURN TO ITHACA is the flawless ensemble acting. While each character gets his/her turn to be in the spotlight, the dialogue moves swiftly from one to another with the aura of spontaneity (the actors, all well-known Cubans, are unfamiliar to North American audiences). The camerawork is also particularly accomplished; it is mind boggling how much visual variety is accomplished within such a restricted space. I wish I could report that the film were riveting from start to finish. That is not so. Regarding RETURN TO ITHACA, it is how the story is told that matters, not the story itself. 3.5 cats

“RETURN TO ITHACA screened at the 2014 Toronto International Film Festival.”


Return to Ithaca

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