
Year: 2004

Hukkle (Hungary;
75 min.)

directed by:
György Pálfi
starring: Ferenc
Bandi; Józsefné Rácz; József Forkas

Bruce says: “HUKKLE has its own personality. In
giving equal time to plants, animals, sounds, architectural details and
humans György Pálfi has achieved something remarkable in creating
a film that is unlike any I’ve ever seen. The humans are all colorful
and eccentric, performing quotidian and sometimes nefarious tasks with
equal effort and nonchalance. As we see and hear everything in and around
a small Hungarian village we slowly become aware that HUKKLE is an anatomy
of a serial killing. It is also a documentation of village culture. Exquisitely
filmed, Pálfi misses few details above and below the surface of
rural life.

“It would be a shame to say too much more about this film other than
hukkle means hiccup. If you are in the mood for something totally different,
rent this film. 4 cats”



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