Starring: | | | | | |


Country: united_states

Year: 1963

Running time: 112


Michael says: “This pseudo-Western from the early 60’s is very reminiscent of THE LAST PICTURE SHOW, from 8 years later. Both are based in Texas, and both focus on the end of an era. While PICTURE SHOW shows the decline of a small town way of life, HUD shows the spiral downward of a family-run farm, partially due to bad luck, partially due to internal family conflicts. Homer Bannon is honest, and hard-working, and has run his ranch for decades. When his two sons are involved in an accidental car crash, Homer can’t help but blame his surviving boy, Hud, a bitter, hard-drinking, mean-spirited, irresponsible womanizer, who does everything he can to alienate those around him. Hud’s nephew, Lonnie, is on the straight and narrow path, but looks up to Hud and his reckless ways. Then there’s Alma, the family housekeeper who Hud has his eye on as another dame to seduce. When one of Homer’s prize cattle falls victim to a mystery ailment and dies, Hud wants to just dump the corpse in the river and forget about it, but Homer does the right thing and calls the inspector who informs them that he must test the corpse for foot & mouth disease would would spell disaster for this family run ranch, if found. Hud grows even angrier, as he impatiently waits for his father to die so he can inherit the ranch. The family splinters apart as things march inexorably to their dire conclusion.

“HUD took home three of the seven Academy Award it was nominated for, including Melvyn Douglas for Best Supporting Actor as Homer, Patricia Neal, outstanding as Alma in the Best Actress category, and Best black & white Cinematography. Newman was nominated in the Best Actor category for his harsh, angry not-so-young man in a sad decline caused by his own anger. This was my third on Patricia Neal’s films, and I am continually impressed. What a great run she had, and I look forward to seeing more of her films. 4 cats

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