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Harry, un ami qui vous veut du bien

Original language title: Harry, un ami qui vous veut du bien

Country: france

Year: 2001

Running time: 117


Ellen says: “I thought Sergi Lopez did a good job as Harry, but he didn’t frighten me (in a chilling psychological way) the way I thought he would. In fact that would be my general feeling toward the film. Maybe I had the wrong expectation going in!” 3 cats


Robin says: “The cast, with one exception, maintains a low-key presence throughout the film. Sergi Lopez, as the enigmatic and dangerous Harry, gives a psycho edge to his performance that conveys volumes with a wicked gleam of the eye or an overconfident smirk on his lips. Right from the start, his outward affability carries an edge to it as Harry goes about his business of insinuating himself into Michel’s life. Harry carries a lot of baggage from his past, including a long-standing but hidden obsession for Michel. No explanation is offered for Harry’s bizarre, deadly behavior, keeping us in the dark about his motives. This is a problem as the enigma about Harry is carried too long and answers to our questions are left dangling in the end.” 3 1/2 cats

For Robin’s complete review: “


Kevin says: “I saw WITH A FRIEND LIKE HARRY last night and was somewhat disappointed. I had a particular problem with the character Harry; Sergi López (of AN AFFAIR OF LOVE with Nathalie Baye) does his best with what he’s given, but I never was really all that interested or convinced by the character. I was however VERY enthusiastic about the performances given by Laurent Lucas, Mathilde Seigner and Sophie Guillemin (as Michael, Claire and Plum). I will be nominating all of them and I really encourage you to see the picture specifically for these performances. it was also well directed, and the script was fabulous to a point, with a few major flaws (such as the conclusion and Harry’s dialogue). Also, absolutely wonderful cinematography. I reservedly recommend WITH A FRIEND LIKE HARRY…. 3.5 cats.”


Ellen C. says: “HARRY is a fascinating and wonderful French Hitchcockian comic thriller. How’s that for a description? The film’s original title was HARRY, HE’S HERE TO HELP, but the new English title works with the marketing tag line ‘who needs enemies?’ Harry, played to chilling and hilarious perfection by Sergi Lopez, is a high school classmate of Michel’s. They run into each other at a rest stop, and Harry latches onto Michel and his family with an ever-growing firmness. Harry is, in fact, here to help – he prides himself on solving people’s problems – as he perceives them. The director and co-writer, Dominik Moll, walks a fine line in moving from a comic set-up to one that grows murderous and terrifying – and he does it perfectly.”


Nathaniel says: “If you like psychological thrillers, this is pretty much a must see. I really enjoyed it while watching but it didn’t really stay in my head so I recommend with mild reservations. Sergi Lopez (AN AFFAIR OF LOVE) is awesome though.”


Esme says: “I saw WITH A FRIEND LIKE HARRY last night. It was a slow paced one, wasn’t it? I thought the actor who played Harry was excellent. It reminded me a little of THE VANISHING –but less impressive or intense. 3 cats


Michael says: “HARRY is a tale of suspense where a man vacationing with his family meets up with a barely-remembered high school chum of 20 years past. As Harry slowly insinuates himself into Michel’s life, things grow uncomfortable. When Harry takes it upon himself to make Michel’s life better, things get downright chilling.

“Unlike the suspense novels of the U.S., HARRY doesn’t zoom along at breakneck speed, but slowly unfolds as a character piece. The acting is all pretty good, although I was particularly impressed by Mathilde Seigner as Claire, Michel’s wife. I also admired the direction. Dominik Moll does a good job slowly building the suspense after alerting us right at the start that things are going be tense. Essentially, I saw HARRY as highlighting the differences between a young, single man with the world ahead of him, and a young married man who feels he must give up his dreams and devote himself to his family, and Moll did a great job underlining this. Like Laura, I was very impressed by the sound design. Between the rattles of the old family car, and the ever-present ‘old-house’ noises of the vacation home Michel is trying to renovate, I truly felt like I was with the characters.

“The main weak spot for me came from the stories conclusion, which seemed somewhat pat and sudden. Greater care could have been taken with achieving the same results. Still, I found myself enjoying WITH A FRIEND LIKE HARRY more than I’d expected.” 3 1/2 cats


Laura says: “Moll seems to be going for claustrophobic Hitchcockian suspense, even choosing the only male name ever to appear in a Hitchcock film for his own, yet WITH A FRIEND LIKE HARRY feels a lot like George Sluizer’s 1988 SPOORLOOS (THE VANISHING), another film that features a fateful rest stop, an old farmhouse and earthy excavations. Moll knows how to build tension, apparent at the onset with that nightmarish family car trip, yet ultimately is unable to sustain it. The ambiguity surrounding Harry’s persona and motivations lets the air out of the film’s climax.” 3 1/2 cats

For Laura’s complete review: “


With a Friend Like Harry

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