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O Grande Kilapy

Original language title: O Grande Kilapy

Country: angola, brazil, portugal

Year: 2012

Running time: 100


Bruce says: “As any good Canadian friend – not to mention those further away from American soil – will tell you, we Americans know little or nothing about world geography. Bet you didn’t know that both Angola and Mozambique were Portuguese colonies, at least I didn’t. Liberated from four hundred years of colonial rule in 1974 by Soviet-backed bush territory rebels, the two countries were very different. Mozambique followed the South African apartheid blueprint while Angola was a racially integrated country before liberation. Mixed-race couples were not uncommon and socially speaking, people of all races mingled

“THE GREAT KILAPY is set on the cusp of the Angola liberation; however the action begins in Portugal where Joãozinho (Lázaro Ramos) is supposedly studying to obtain a degree before returning to his native country. Joãozinho is more concerned with partying and juggling time spent with his wealthy Portuguese girlfriends than he is with any academic pursuits. He charms almost everyone who crosses his path and he does have loyal friends, particularly a white Angolan named Pedro. He is also marked as a subversive by the secret police, particularly an agent named Raul who lusts for a woman with whom Joãozinho is
sleeping. Ultimately, the police win and Joãozinho is deported following a sting operation.

“Joãozinho returns to Luanda, Angola’s capital in 1969. His parents are disheartened. Through his father’s connections Joãozinho lands a job in the tax collection office. He advances quickly and just as swiftly learns how to keep two sets of books. Joãozinho and his friends now have money to support the rebels. This swindle is called a kilapy. By night he parties with the same gusto as he did in his student days. He has affairs with a stripper, a wealthy matron and the daughter of his boss. But it is obvious that Joãozinho is not just working the system, he works every situation he comes across. Ironically, in the end Joãozinho becomes a national hero.

“Outside his native Brazil Lázaro Ramos is most famous for his eponymous role in the 2002 film MADAME SATA, based on a true story of a cross-dressing gay performer who was the lover of one of Rio’s most notorious gangsters in the early part of the 20th century. Ramos pours himself into his characters and his Joãozinho, who as it happens is also based on a true character, is as impassioned as his Madame Sata. Director Zézé Gamboa has created a very entertaining film. The focus is on the lighter side of the story. That is certainly acceptable but a bit more substance and history could have been infused into the story of Joãozinho. After all, not many people may get another opportunity to see a film from Angola. 3.5 cats

“(THE GREAT KILAPY screened at the 2012 Toronto International Film Festival.)”




The Great Kilapy

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