By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 3.9
Director: Han Yan

Original language title: Gun Dan Ba! Zhong Liu Jun
Country: china
Year: 2015
Running time: 85
Jason says: “The ‘cancer comedy’ is a minefield as genres go; cancer’s no laughing matter but it’s not a difficult path from tragedy to absurdity to jokes, at least for some. That’s the path Xiong Dun took when she was diagnosed, creating a webcomic to chronicle her treatment and recovery. That part of it isn’t in the movie, although the bits shown during the credits make it clear just where the film’s upbeat attitude came from.
“As things start, Xiong Dun (‘Fay’ Bai Baihe) is a 29-year-old commercial artist with a birthday coming up, a boyfriend who seems a bit embarrassed by her free-spirited ways, some great friends in amateur boxer Lao Zheng (Zhang Zixuan), workaholic and roommate Emmy (Li Yuan), and co-worker Xiao Xia (Liu Ruilin). Her birthday is rough – she gets herself fired and finds out her boyfriend is seeing someone else – and that’s before she passes out in the middle of her apartment. When she wakes up, she’s in the hospital, and while Dr. Liang (Daniel Wu Yan-zu) is handsome, he’s also an oncologist and his diagnosis of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma is the sort that can bring even someone as perky as Xiong Dun down.
“And, boy, is Xiong Dun perky. She’s the sort of high-energy goofball whose behavior will cross over into ‘obnoxious’ fairly quickly for some viewers, and I can’t anyone for seeing her that way. She’s self-centered enough that even her friends comment on it, and that lousy day she’s having is largely of her own making. She spends a lot of time in her own head when she should be paying attention to the world around her, and while that’s fun for us – the filmmakers give her a vivid imagination full of wuxia, zombies, freezing cities and more whimsical things, and it’s a rare moment when those bits aren’t funny – but having them happen when she’s in the middle of the street can seem like them trying to force quirky eccentricity.
“They don’t need to, though, because Bai Haihe is awfully darn charming in this movie. She dives into the broad comedic bits with gusto and sells them by not just having great comic timing but infusing Dun with a genuinely positive attitude and just the right sort of self-awareness that says she knows it’s a bit of work to be so cheerful but that she’s not hiding anything. When Dun does have to confront the seriousness of her condition later on, she doesn’t lose the character’s hopefulness and charisma. She sometimes has to wrestle with an overdone script, but she can smile her way out of most of its excesses.
“Daniel Wu plays her doctor and, at least in her head, love interest, and he does a nice job in a role the could be stiff or one-note. His sense of surprise that the nurses and other staff find him tough to approach is believable in part because he actually does make Dr. Liang more friendly than intimidating, and his scenes with Bai come off as a very enjoyably developing friendship even if Dun is thinking romance. When he’s not around, Zhang Zixuan, Li Yuan, and Liu Ruilin make a coterie of friends that are entertaining enough to not just seem blandly supportive, while Liu Lili and Li JIanyi play things more solemnly as Dun’s parents.
“Director Han Yan and the writers make some odd choices – there’s a point in the movie where I wasn’t sure whether they were deliberately skipping the scenes where Dun gets bad news as a characterization thing (whether to show that she skips over those moments in her mind or to prevent them from having too much weight in the audience’s impression of her) or if the Chinese health care system just routinely talks to the other people in the patient’s life first. On the other hand, they also build a lot of funny scenes in both her fantasies and real life that play into the cast’s comedic strengths, and the fantasies look good – they come off as whimsical even though, once you tally them up in the end, they are almost all actually fairly dark scenarios, which is probably just as good a characterization of Xiong Dun as everything Bai Baihe does. When it is time to become more serious, the film downshifts well, mostly without feeling like a radical change from the rest.
“It’s interesting that they don’t actually include the comics in the film until the credits, either as animation or even something Dun is working on. On the one hand, it might be a bit too close to making an ouroboros out of the story, but if they acted as a sort of outlet for her, it’s kind of an important part of the characterization that’s missing. We see her drawing a lot, but not toward that end.
“GO AWAY MR. TUMOR is uneven at points, but it might be wrong if a comedy about someone with lymphoma wasn’t – consistency and everything make a sort of sense would be dishonest. So, yeah, this is messy, but it puts a smile on one’s face at unlikely times, and that seems to be what Xiong Dun is all about. 3.9 cats
“Seen 14 August 2015 in AMC Boston Common #19 (first-run, DCP)”