Starring: | | | |

Foreign Letters

Country: united_states

Year: 2012

Running time: 99


Thom says: “The essence of this Film Movement experience is a beautiful one but the awkward interpretation brought it down a peg for me. Ellie. a young girl from Israel, has moved to the United States in the 1980s because her father refused to be conscripted in the Israeli army. She left her inseparable best-friend in Israel and Ellie is an indefatigable correspondent with her friend overseas but has little else going for her. Her English is poor, she’s tormented by some odious classmates, and she has a difficult time adapting to her new scene. She meets an equally awkward Vietnamese immigrant girl and they slowly become
friends even though their relationship is very rocky largely based on lies. But while hugely admired for its spirit its execution left a lot to be desired principally from the young cast who were not professionally capable of bringing off the difficult parts. 3.5 cats




Foreign Letters

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