By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 3.25
Director: Elie Chouraqui
Starring: Alun Armstrong | Andie MacDowell | David Straithairn

Country: france
Year: 2002
Running time: 130
Laura says: “Chouraqui’s vision of a love story put to the ultimate test is only partially successful. MacDowell, giving her best performance since UNSTRUNG HEROES, is convincing as a woman who’ll stop at nothing to find her husband yet aside from that office teasing and a couple of sexual moments, Sarah and Harrison are presented as a fairly typical couple raising two kids. Yeager’s feelings are unrecognized by Sarah and no effort is made to delve into her impact on his friendship with Harrison or his marriage. Much more intriguing is the relationship she builds with Kyle, who’s clearly humbled by the strength of her love and somewhat guilty over his harassment of Harrison. Also weak is a dependency on characters always seeming to be in the right (or wrong as the case may be) place, with New Yorkers routinely stumbling upon each other in Croatia and photographers always around the corner from fresh devastation.” 3 cats
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Robin says: “After seeing HARRISON’S FLOWERS it dawned on me that the story is very similar to that depicted in the Oscar winning 1984 film, THE KILLING FIELDS. The difference is, while the older film was based on true events, this new opus is based on fabrication. Sarah Lloyd is happily married though she misses and worries about her husband when he is away on assignment. Harrison Lloyd, a world-renowned Pulitzer Prize winning photojournalist, is at the point in his dangerous career where he knows the odds are stacking against him, but he still takes the risky assignment in Bosnia. Sarah is supportive of Harrison, almost perfunctorily, as he heads off one more time. The only problem with this idyllic family is with their son, Cesar (Scott Anton), who has become estranged from his always-on-the-go dad.” 3 1/2cats
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