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Hamesh Shaot me'Pariz

Original language title: Hamesh Shaot me'Pariz

Country: israel

Year: 2009

Running time: 90


Michael says: “A well-acted, mature romantic comedy is hard to come by in this day and age, and this Israeli film by a Russian director fits the bill very well. Yigal drives a taxi, and remains good friends with his ex-wife, and her new husband. He also maintains a close relationship with his son. That said, he’s a bit of a pushover, letting other around him make decisions for him. He’s terrified of flying, but is driven to get over it because his son’s bar mitvah is going to be held in Paris. When he must meet his son’s music teacher, Lina, to discuss his son’s behavior at school, he arrives late and causes her to miss her bus. In return, Yigal offers to drive her home in his cab. He is transfixed by her beauty and her kindness. He makes excuses to see her and eventually they become friends, and perhaps something more? The problem is, Lina is married, and when her husband returns home from Canada unexpectedly early, Yigal and Lina find their burgeoning friendship and possible romance stalled.

“There is no easy solution to this scenario, and Prudovsky does a good job ending the film on a decidedly ambiguous note, letting the viewers fill in their desired outcome. Yagil is a bit problematic as a romantic lead, due to his lack of decision-making ability, and when he does start to try and take things into his own hands towards the film’s end, I’m not sure I believe it. Drer Keren does a great job portraying him sympathetically, however, and we certainly root for his success. Helena Yaralova’s Lina is vibrant and full of life. She finds herself in a difficult situation where she falls in love with another man, but still loves her husband. Definitely a worthwhile film and one that I enjoyed quite a bit. 3 1/2 cats




Five Hours from Paris

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