By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Director: Andrew Currie
Starring: Billy Connolly | Carrie-Ann Moss | Dylan Baker

Country: canada
Year: 2007
Running time: 91
Beth says: “This was my first Canadian film. Apparently it was the largest budgeted independent film made in British Columbia, who’da thunk a ‘boy and his pet zombie’ flick would have that distinction. Anyhoo, yup it’s a zombie film, in that the director didn’t pass up the chance for bloody entrails, flying appendages and foley editors eating alot of watermelon (or however they make the chomping into human flesh sound). I’m not quite sure why, but the film’s set in the TV sitcomland 1950’s, and stars Carrie Ann Moss, Dylan Baker, and Billy Connolly, who even though mute still manages to eat the scenery. But then a zombie would, wouldn’t it, er, he? The Robinsons get a zombie to avoid the shame of being the only zombieless house on the block, and son Timmy becomes attached to the new addition to the family, whom he names Fido. I would have liked this a bit better if there was more there there, but it’s pretty much ‘the hijinks ensue when Beaver gets a puppy’, with a zombie twist.
“FIDO screened at the 2006 Toronto International Film Festival”