By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 4 cats
Director: John Lee
Starring: Gretchen Mol | Ilana Glazer | Josh Hamilton | Justin Theroux | Lucy Walters | Pierce Brosnan

Country: united_states
Year: 2021
Running time: 92
Michael says: “In the tradition of a creepy, slow burn horror/thriller, FALSE POSITIVE successfully balances the dark tone with a lighter b-horror tone to tell a story of genetics and the patriarchy out of control. What starts off as bit of a ROSEMARY’S BABY wannabe, veers off into unexpected territory that encompasses the way men need to control women in nearly all aspects of life, and how women often enable the process. Lucy and Adrian share a satisfying and loving marriage, except for one thing. They’ve been trying to have a baby for the past several years with no luck. They finally agree to see fertility expert Dr. John Hindle, (who, because was one of Adrian’s professors in medical school, is able to have the couple bypass the months-long waiting list), and soon Lucy is pregnant with a a baby-girl-to-be. Now everything really does seem to be on the right track, with a baby on the way, Lucy gaining traction and success in her marketing job, and starting to develop other mommy-to-be friends. Then why does Lucy start to have nightmarish visions and dreams, strange bleeding, and growing paranoia? The ever-reassuring Dr. Hindle keeps things calm and positive, but more and more that affect seems to be a sheen barely concealing something far more sinister. Things really take a dark turn in the last third, as Lucy starts to uncover secrets that point to something truly horrific.
“Despite the all-too serious tone of the film, FALSE POSITIVE works best with a bit of a sly smile as things start to tumble madly out of control Ilana Glazer, who co-wrote the script with director John Lee and also stars as Lucy, does a good job allowing the doubts to creep in slowly without coming across as delusional. Justin Theroux is supportive and caring as well as Adrian should be, trying to support his wife, even as she starts to unravel. Big kudos to the tightly-reined, yet simultaneously over-the-top performance of Pierce Brosnan and Dr. Hindle, whose tone suggests utter care and god-complex all at once. To add to the fun is a memorable performance by Gretchen Mol, as Dr. Hindle’s main assistant and head nurse. There some sudden bloody violence toward the climax, but by then you’re on the roller coaster ride, and you are right with Lucy, ready to break out and act on her own agency. 4 cats
“Screened at Tribeca Festival 2021“