By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 4.3 cats
Director: Aki Kurismaki
Starring: Alina Tomnikov | Alma Pöysti | Janne Hyytiäinen | Jussi Vatanen | Martti Suosalo

Original language title: Kuolleet lehdet
Year: 2023
Running time: 81
Michael says: “Those who appreciate Finnish filmmaker Aki Kaurismäki enjoy his incredibly dry wit and deadpan humor. His latest film, FALLEN LEAVES, doesn’t alter his formula, but perhaps takes it even further. The story revolves around two lonely people, Holappa, a laborer who lives in the factory dormitory and drinks too much; and Ansa, a supermarket checkout clerk, who lives alone and doesn’t suffer fools. When the two cross paths, a spark ignites in both – not that you would be able to tell by their taciturn behavior – but their story unfolds despite the gray life surrounding them in a welfare state, giving them hurdles to overcome from a lost phone number to an unexpected train accident.
“What captured me the most in FALLEN LEAVES, is its structure, seemingly based on romances of the 1940s’s complete with a sweeping score and dramatic freeze-frames that fade to black to end a scene. These devices set in Kaurismäki’s unique style create a friction that is both anachronistic and sweetly absurd. My favorite line, when a karaoke-loving co-worker asks Holappa who his first date with Ansa went gets the response, ‘We nearly got married.’ Having been privy to that date, made that line all the more hilariously absurd. 4 cats
“Screened at the Toronto International Film Festival, Day 4; Streaming on MUBI”
Chris says: “From its opening shot, there’s no mistaking this for the work of anyone other than veteran Finnish auteur Aki Kaurismaki. A purveyor of humor so deadpan, less attentive viewers might not even detect it on occasion, he’s influenced many kindred spirits and followers from Roy Andersson to Jim Jarmusch (whom he pays a somewhat twisted yet hilarious tribute to here.) His first film in six years is one of his most deceptively straightforward: a burgeoning middle-aged romance between supermarket worker Ansa (Alma Pöysti) and alcoholic laborer Holappa (Jussi Vatanen). The Helsinki settings look like they’ve been etched in time over the past fifty years, although occasional radio broadcasts reporting the current Russia/Ukraine war are scattered throughout. Happily, this fully plays to Kaurismaki’s strengths: of the handful of his films I’ve viewed, this is easily the funniest, especially the karaoke bar scenes featuring Holappa’s self-assured (if only to a point) co-worker/pal Huotari (Janne Hyytiäinen). As usual with this director, what would often come off as affectations for most filmmakers are in his hands fully realized and seamlessly essential to the entire fabric. 4 cats
“Screened at IFFBoston’s 2023 Fall Focus; Mubi will distribute (theatrical release is Nov. 17.)”
Julie B. says: “I loved this one. From the opening scene…. Not only the deadpan humor, but also cinematography, production design, use of music, and two great leads ….all of this everywhere all at once! Loved it. 5 cats”