
Endurance: The Shackleton's Legendary Antarctic Expedition

Country: germany, sweden, united_kingdom, united_states

Year: 2001

Running time: 93


Laura says: “Butler’s first rate documentary is only hurt by Liam Neeson’s narration. His soft, lilting voice often lacks the drama the events he’s recounting demand. Music by Michael Small ranges from a deep, foreboding orchestral piece which recalls whale sounds to Irish jigs and Tibetan vocals. Transitions from old footage to new are seamless.

“THE ENDURANCE: SHACKLETON’S LEGENDARY ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION is an awe-inspiring, uplifting tale of human fortitude and one man’s incredible capacity to lead men through unthinkable obstacles.” 4 1/2 cats

For Laura’s complete review: “


Diane says: “What I particularly admired in this docu about Shackleton’s expedition to Antarctica was the mix of original and new footage–(it was very clear which was which)–very well assembled, nice use of stills, effective and honest interspersion of reenactment footage to make up for when the expedition photographer gave up his moving picture equipment. I didn’t have a problem with Neeson’s narration as Laura did, but I wasn’t always trusting of the musical choices. A great, moving and well-told story.

“Remember when Shackleton ordered the photographer to burn the over 400 pictures that they chose not to carry with them, so that they wouldn’t
be tempted to return for them? That says something about the power of photography and film.” 4 cats


Michael says: “I’m not usually caught up in the spirit of adventure and exploration to the point of risking one’s life. So I’ve never been all that interested in stories like Ernest Shackleton’s, a man who attempted to cross Antarctica on foot in 1914. Instead, his ship was trapped in the ice, and Shackleton and his crew were forced to survive for almost two years in the bitter wilderness of the seas around Antarctica.

“‘Survive’ being the key word. When his adventure failed, Shackleton’s mission was to find a means of rescue for each and every member of his crew. The makers of ENDURANCE capture the environmental extremes, the pressure on the men, the desperation each must have felt. One of the many amazing
things about Shackleton’s story is the fact that the mission had a man recording the entire trip on camera, both still and moving pictures. These images
are included in this movie. While watching, it’s difficult to believe that these scenes are not being staged, that we’re actually seeing these mens’ lives captured on film. Dazzling shots of the Antarctic landscape are used to chilling effect, and the narration, provided by Liam Neeson, as well as the vocal actors for the men add to the texture of the film.

“I am not 100% certain (there have been conflicting reports) but this may be an expansion of the 40 minute IMAX film that played last year. (This film is 1 hour and 45 minutes… considerably expanded, if such be the case.) Another source warned not to confuse this with the IMAX film of last year, so… there you go.” 4 cats.


Robin says: “I can’t think of a true-life adventure that shows, better, the triumph of man over seemingly insurmountable odds.THE ENDURANCE, based on Caroline Alexander’s book, is an eye-opening documentary that goes where few men have gone before and, even more remarkably, all 28 survivors lived to tell about it.” 4 cats

For Robin’s complete review: “




Endurance: The Shackleton’s Legendary Antarctic Expedition

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