By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Director: Etienne Comar
Starring: Bea Palya | Bimbam Merstein | Cécile de France | Gabriel Mireté | Johnny Montreuil | Reda Kateb
Country: france
Year: 2018
Running time: 117
Julie says: “I really liked this one! Great acting, pd,cin,use of music,story…..very well done and very interesting. I had no ideaa about the life and struggles of this famous musician.
“One interesting side note is that when I was in Germany – 1987-1990- I had a neighbor who was Jewish and a fortune teller. Her boyfriend was a Gypsy and I remember going to a pub with her and her telling me there were Nazi’s at a nearby table talking badly about Jews. I had no idea that part of her connection with her boyfriend was that they had both been persecuted by the Nazi’s. DJango was a gypsy. They get into this persecution in the movie.”