By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 3.375
Director: Jan Hrebejk
Starring: Anna Siskova | Bolek Polivka | Csongor Kassai | Jaroslav Dusek

Original language title: Musíme si pomáhat
Country: czech_republic
Year: 2001
Running time: 120
Diane says: “Expected this one to be lighter than it actually is. Ditto on the acting, cinematography, direction…. I liked the “doubling-up” effect, even though it was used many times, in scenes of drunkenness, anger, confusion. This movie was just great in conveying the sense that hatred, duplicity, altruism, collaboration, and nobility co-existed even within individuals during the Holocaust.
“Scenes in the house where the Jewish man was being hidden were suitably claustrophobic. Very few main characters, all developed well (oops, except for one). Highly recommended.” 4 cats
Laura says: “Roberto Benigni started a trend with LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL. While DIVIDED WE FALL doesn’t provide as many laughs as the Benigni film, it’s more comical than tragic and lays on the sentiment with a more cynical touch. Director Jan Hrebejk has crafted a humanistic story about ‘what abnormal times can do to normal people.'” 3 cats
For Laura’s complete review: “”
Michael says: “This Czech film was nominated for an Oscar this year in the Foreign Film category. It’s a whimsical, light-hearted tale of a Czech family in the early 40’s who are hiding a Jew from the Nazis. This was a terrific movie. It did a great job portraying all the characters as human beings, not just caricatures. It’s so easy to paint Nazis as one-dimensional monsters, but this film avoids that trap and looks at each character as an individual with good and bad traits.
“This isn’t a LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL over-the-top melodrama, but a gentle, sweet, light-hearted and serious look at ordinary people doing what they can to survive the war and remain true to their natures at the same time, a seemingly impossible task.” 4 cats
Robin says: “DIVIDED WE FALL doesn’t have the impact of LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL or the power of THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK. It is an interesting character study and gives us a glimpse into the limbo world of an occupied town during war, but it
never grabs your heart like those other movies.” 2.5 cats
For Robin’s complete review: “”
Scot says: “I liked this one as well and was particularly taken with Jaroslav Dusek who plays the Nazi collaborator Horst. He’s on my list of supporting actor contenders.”