By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 4.125 cats
Director: Rob Sitch
Starring: Kevin Harrington | Patrick Warburton | Sam Neill | Tom Long

Country: australia
Year: 2001
Running time: 104
IMDB: Sam Neill, Kevin Harrington, Tom Long, Patrick Warburton
Ellen says: “I loved this little Australian film about the broadcast of the moonwalk from satellite dish in a sheep paddock in Australia. The movie had a certain BABE quality to it which, for those of you who know me, is a huge compliment. I also found the writing very witty.” 4 cats.
Howard says: “This is my favorite movie of the year so far. A sublime look at the goings on at, what at the time was, the biggest radio telescope dish in the world and their part in the 1969 moon walk. A great cast, including Sam Neil, whom I run hot and cold with, portrays a town full of eclectic, yet heartwarmingly real people. It is a feel good movie, but without the manipulation that you find in so many Hollywood-style movies. The script is hilarious with very witty dialogue spiced with some real human emotion.
I thought the highlight of the movie was the history of the launch and subsequent lunar landing. The score was dropped making the scenes much more powerful as you watch the events plus get the awe and amazement of the cast as they watch both of these events unfold. It was really like being there with them and watching what has to be one of the greatest scientific accomplishment
of the human race as an adult and not just having very vague memories of a two year old. That’s right, I was two! (Although I think that’s why I’ve always been fascinated with astronomy, but I digress.)
Not only is this entertainment, but it’s also a great history lesson. Go see it.” 5 cats
Laura says: “THE DISH finds a place where gentle charm and humor live side by side with the awe and grandeur of man’s accomplishment.” 4 cats
For Laura’s complete review: “”
Michael says: “THE DISH is a charming Australian comedy about the Apollo 11 moonwalk in 1969. Based on a true story, when Neil Armstrong performed his world-famous moonwalk, our only television link came from a radio-telescopic dish in a sheep paddock in Australia. Rob Sitch (THE CASTLE) has made a warm-hearted, decidedly funny film recounting the excitement of this quiet town’s big event. In addition to the sly humor of the film, Sitch manage to convey a warmth and humanitarianism that makes THE DISH more than just a silly comedy.” 3 1/2 cats
Robin says: “The goofy comedy that is liberally sprinkled throughout the film is represented in a single scene where the local band is requested to play the American national anthem for the visiting US ambassador (John McMartin). I won’t spoil the gag, but the tune they play definitely ain’t The Star-Spangled Banner.
“The Aussie humor may not hit home ever time for American viewers of THE DISH, but the sincerity and warmth given to the telling of such a momentous event will appeal to everyone everywhere. I can’t wait to see what Rob Stitch and company will come up with next.” 4 cats
“For Robin’s complete review: “”
Stephen says: “Anyone who is a fan of films like WAKING NED DEVINE will be happy to visit for a couple of hours with the residents of Parkes in THE DISH. Niceness is sometimes just exactly what we want in a movie.”
For Stephen’s complete review: “”