By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 3.5 cats
Director: Ronald Unterberger
Starring: Anna Pfingsten | Anne Roemeth | Beatrice Bergner | Cornelia Werner | Marc Dresander | Marie Mayer

Country: germany
Year: 2022
Running time: 109
Michael says: “This curious German film has a decidedly low-budget, independent feel that most of the European films we get lacks. They’re usually more polished, or ‘studio’ if you will. While occasionally this face exposes some clumsiness in DIE GRENZE, it is also somewhat refreshing, and the awkward, unusual performance by lead actor, Anne Rometh, is surprisingly refreshing. Think of a darker, politically-motivated I’VE HEARD THE MERMAIDS SINGING, with Rometh’s Eva taking on Sheila McCarthy’s Polly attributes but without the sweet innocence.