By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 4 cats
Director: Daniel Schmidt | Gabriel Abrantes
Starring: Anabela Moreira | Carla Marcial | Carlotto Cotta | Chico Chapa | Cleo Tavares | Margarida Moreira

Country: brazil, france, portugal
Year: 2019
Running time: 96
Brett says: “It is a film that lives in a sustained state of delirium and absurdity. It would be worth the price of ticket just to see the audience reactions to the bizarre world of Diamantino, national soccer star of Portugal whose life has only ever been about the game itself until he reaches an epiphany about the less fortunate of the world during an excursion on his yacht. The film lives in its own created sphere of naivete’, creating an out-of-this-world alternate reality that is grounded in a number of contemporary political and social themes. The film is a fresh dive into the comedy genre that borders on Monty Python-esque absurdity but never goes that completely hammy in its delivery. It isn’t throwaway gags scene by scene either, as it bleeds humanity while plastered against this otherworldly comedic background. In short, it is a film experience in which the less the viewer knows going into it, the better. But be prepared to question what exactly it is that you’re seeing ‘thrown’ onto the screen as you journey through this delightfully odd look at compassion and the future of what ‘Big Brother’ might look like.”
Chris says: “Just another fizzy Portuguese odyssey about a Cristiano Ronaldo-esque, gentled-minded, sexually ambiguous soccer superstar with a plot containing evil twin sisters, genetic engineering, lesbian spies, giant pink fluffy puppies and a pet cat named mittens… you know, the usual. Obviously, this is one of those films like HAUSU or THE HAPPINESS OF THE KATIKURIS where, after awhile, one just needs to go with and accept the silliness depicted onscreen. Still, silly can be sublime and in its best moments, this Almodovar-meets-Jeunet romp wrung through a Gondry-esque filter (but far less precious) is both that and politically relevant, even–don’t miss the ominous black van with “MAKE PORTUGAL GREAT AGAIN” glaring on its side. 4 cats“