By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 4 cats
Director: Tim Burton
Starring: Eva Green | Helena Bonham Carter | Jackie Earle Haley | Johnny Depp | Jonny Lee Miller | Michelle Pfeiffer

Country: united_states
Year: 2012
Running time: 113
Chris says: “Not exactly a return to form for Tim Burton, but easily the best remake/adaptation he’s done since his BATMAN films. Junk culture like a cheesy horror-laced soap opera seems closer to his heart than Lewis Carroll or Roald Dahl ever did, and it was a near genius move to set most of it in 1972—the era’s bad taste meshes very well with the gothic overtones. Apart from a real live Alice Cooper appearance, the pop music cues are thudding and obvious but for once, Johnny Depp as Barnabas Collins is perfect casting and the ensemble works too—even Michelle Pfeiffer looks like she hasn’t had this much fun in twenty
years. 4 cats”