By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 3.5 cats
Director: David Zellener | Nathan Zellner
Starring: David Zellner | Mia Wasikowska | Nathan Zellner | Robert Pattinson

Country: united_states
Year: 2018
Running time: 113
Chris says: “The Zellner Brothers’ previous film, KUMIKO, THE TREASURE HUNTER, may end up on my top ten list for the decade, so this is a slight comedown. The less one knows going into it, the better, so I’ll just compliment Mia Wasikowska for continuing to make smart choices and Robert Pattinson for being open to exceedingly weird ones. Not so much an anti-Western as an anti-Rom-Com. Stunning to look at, leaves one with much to ponder, but it also induces whiplash and it could’ve been a bit shorter. 3.5 cats“