By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Director: Gregory Jacobs
Starring: Diego Luna | John C. Reilly | Maggie Gyllenhaal

Country: united_states
Year: 2004
Running time: 87
Hilary says: “This remake of 2002 Chlotrudis-eligible film NINE QUEENS managed to be even more boring than the original.
“John C. Reilly, Diego Luna, and Maggie Gyllenhaal go through the paces of a ridiculous elaborate con plot and the result is even talkier and has less flow than David Mamet’s HEIST. And what genius decided to cast Reilly as a soulless con man? Sure, it’s refreshing not to see him playing another version of The Idiot Husband, but c’mon.
“On a related note, I recently read an article speculating that Diego Luna’s future career will resemble Antonio Banderas’s whereas his Y TU MAMA TAMBIEN costar Gael Garcia Bernal’s will be more in line with Javier Bardem. So far, so true…”